Wednesday 30 September 2009

Mr D's comment

Really interesting post, Katie - thanks. Try t give more technical detail about your work.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Thursday 24th. (:

Today has been great. I have had a great experience of Piece to camera,and Vox-Popping. We went into town and Grafton to ask people their views on underage drinking. We got about over 10 interviews. We chose to interview older people because they might have had an experience or have children that are underage drinkers. It was interesting what people had to say about it. I didnt really like it when people said no but we got enough anway. As a group i think we worked together very well. We all took part in different rolls with the Camera, sound and talking. I found it hard to ask people whether they would let us interview them because i didnt like it when they say no. There was alot of friendly people though.

We wanted to find more Teenagers on their views because most teenagers are different. It was quite hard holding the camera up straight because we didnt have a tripod. The piece to camera was good. The background was of the trees and people walking on the path. It was alrightt. As a group i think we need to put in more effort.

Personally i would like to move to a group where i know the people more, because with people i dont know i dont feel confident enough.

The hardest part today was asking people if they would let us interview them because you had to find the right kind of people. I found it easy to just hold the sound part.

Thursday 17 September 2009

My second day on the Cram course...

Today has been really good and fun.. I have experienced more videoing. I used an interview style called Vox-Popping. You have to interview people on the street, but today we only interviewed our groups and getting ready for next week. Also we did Peice to camera, where it is like a documentary and the start of it where you say what the documentary is about. In vox-popping there is lots of rules, like you have to have the person on the left hand side and their eyes have to be in the like middle or 3 thirds of the way up. You have to choose a really good background or it will be dull or boring. You have to work really well as a group because you have to work together to get a good shot and video. Our first attempts weren't very good but after we learn't more it was better and we held the cameras more still rather than shaky. We haven't seen them yet but i think they will be much better. Byeeeee
:) x

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Mr D's comment

It's interesting to rtead about your likes and dislikes, Katie, and you've made a good start to your blog - well done.

Homework .. :)

On t.v i like to watch Funny, cartoony programmes like Family guy and Spongebob squarepants :) Maybe the simpsons. I like action, romatic and funny films. I love listening to Music, i like R&B, hip-hop and rap and maybe some others. Sometimes if i get bored i like to read, mostly i like magazines or maybe a good book. I like the game GRAND THEFT AUTO on PS2 , its quite rude and not good for kids but i like just playing it if im bored. Mostly the only website i go on is Facebook and maybe even Bebo.
I dont think i have done any practical media before from what i can remember but i have used a video camera, but it was a small one. I have been on Adobe photoshop and other programmes like video editing at school. I am quite good at Art, Dance and i LOVE music. I like building things and from what i have done i have been pretty good at it. ...
Byee :) x

Thursday 10 September 2009

video photography

Today was a good experience of photography. Mr Durran taught us and showed us how to use the cameras and settings on it. I liked working with Petra and Patrick, they were nice. We did 3 different shots of different buildings, the first one was of the Front of the school, the second one was of the side of windows from the side of the building, it was effective, the last one was of some big blue doors with bushes around the side, it was quite dull but it was good. For the first day it was really fun and i enjoyed the experience. We were co-operating very well with each other. I would like to something the same again sometime. I love going out of the classrooms and just going outside to do things with the cameras. I was thinking of shots that were effective, there was not really anything around the school. Working with other people was fun and interesting, Making new friends here is good because we will be with them for the next 2 years.

My First day :)

Today has been Good . i have learnt more about Cram and i cant wait to get properly started in the course. I know i will enjoy it and try my hardest. I am a bit nervous but exited at the same time..