Thursday 10 September 2009

video photography

Today was a good experience of photography. Mr Durran taught us and showed us how to use the cameras and settings on it. I liked working with Petra and Patrick, they were nice. We did 3 different shots of different buildings, the first one was of the Front of the school, the second one was of the side of windows from the side of the building, it was effective, the last one was of some big blue doors with bushes around the side, it was quite dull but it was good. For the first day it was really fun and i enjoyed the experience. We were co-operating very well with each other. I would like to something the same again sometime. I love going out of the classrooms and just going outside to do things with the cameras. I was thinking of shots that were effective, there was not really anything around the school. Working with other people was fun and interesting, Making new friends here is good because we will be with them for the next 2 years.

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