Thursday 17 September 2009

My second day on the Cram course...

Today has been really good and fun.. I have experienced more videoing. I used an interview style called Vox-Popping. You have to interview people on the street, but today we only interviewed our groups and getting ready for next week. Also we did Peice to camera, where it is like a documentary and the start of it where you say what the documentary is about. In vox-popping there is lots of rules, like you have to have the person on the left hand side and their eyes have to be in the like middle or 3 thirds of the way up. You have to choose a really good background or it will be dull or boring. You have to work really well as a group because you have to work together to get a good shot and video. Our first attempts weren't very good but after we learn't more it was better and we held the cameras more still rather than shaky. We haven't seen them yet but i think they will be much better. Byeeeee
:) x

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